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Term to End Early

Early End of Term Arrangements

Please find attached a media release explaining that the Committee for Education, Sport & Culture has agreed that term will finish for States-run primary and secondary schools at the end of the school day on Friday 17th December 2021. This decision has been taken following careful consideration of the pressures of keeping schools operational due to on-going staff and student absence and, importantly, the upcoming Christmas holidays where the risk of families having their special time severely impacted by Covid-19 should be limited as far as possible.

However, all schools will remain open on Monday 20th, Tuesday 21st and the morning of Wednesday 22nd December 2021 for the children of any parent/carer who must continue going to work on those days and for those students invited to attend by head teachers. While schools will be open for some students, formal learning will not take place on these days, however some activities will be provided for all students to undertake either at home or while in school if they are attending over the two and a half days.

In order for us to make necessary operational plans, I would be grateful if you could confirm whether you will require a place for your child/children on each of the two and a half days by no later than the end of the day on Thursday 16th December 2021. You can do this by completing this online booking form:

Information about school arrangements for next week will be shared when we have final numbers on Thursday.

Some of our festive arrangements will have to change, and we will move Year 3-6 ice skating to tomorrow (Wednesday 15th). Christmas parties will be held later this week, but I will need to chat to the PTFA and caterers to organise this. More information on this will follow later today.

The arrangements for the return to education following the Christmas period have been discussed with Public Health and they have requested that all students undertake a lateral flow test on the first three days back in school after the holiday on 6th, 7th and 10th January 2022. We would be very grateful if you could make sure that your child/children do the tests with appropriate supervision if required.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
